Reports and Performance
Here you can find reports, data and links related to our school’s performance, achievement and Ofsted assessment.
1. Ofsted Reports
We last received Ofsted in June 2022 for a short inspection and prior to that in July 2016. We were proud to be given a ‘Good’ grade in all areas of the school. These latest school Ofsted reports are available below.
All our other historic Ofsted reports are also available for reference on the Ofsted website here.
2. RE Inspection Report In January 2018 we were inspected by Salford Diocese and we are proud to have been rated as Outstanding in all areas.
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Our-Lady-of-Mount-Carmel-S48-Report.pdf | Download |
3. Latest Exam and Assessment Results
You can access our School Performance Tables on the DfE website here.
Here you will find OLMC’s most recent results and access to other useful government school data.
Please also find below some further results documents for your reference for 2023
Year 6 |
Reading |
Writing |
Maths |
R W M Combined |
Working at the expected standard- school |
53.3% |
56.7% |
40% |
Working at the expected standard-national |
72.6% |
72.9% |
59.4% |
Working at greater depth -school |
23.3% |
16.7% |
Working at greater depth- national |
28.9% |
23.8% |
Progress |
-1.08 |
-6.25 |
-1.63 |
Key: GPS = Grammar Punctuation and Spelling
Year 2 |
Reading |
Writing |
Maths |
Working at the expected standard- school |
46.7% |
53.3% |
63.3% |
Working at greater depth -school |
10% |
0% |
16.7% |
Phonics |
2023 School |
2023 National |
Year 1 |
86.7% |
75.3% |
46.7% |
67.3% |
4. Parent View
What is Parent View?
Parent View is an Ofsted service that allows parents to give their views about this school at any time of the year, by completing a simple online questionnaire. At the time of an Ofsted inspection, parents are also invited to give inspectors their views using Parent View.
Parent View asks for your opinion on 12 aspects of school, from the quality of teaching, to dealing with any issues relating to bullying or poor behaviour. You are able to highlight the strengths of school also.
OLMC Parent View Results
At OLMC we strive to ensure that any issues brought to our attention by parents are dealt with swiftly and to the satisfaction of all.
Please view our school results here
Have Your Say…
The leaflet attached below gives a useful overview of the service and if you’d like to have your say then follow just this link to the Parent View website to get started.
Name | |
Parent_View_Leaflet.pdf | Download |