Our Lady of Mount Carmel RC Primary School

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PE Information

Physical education is delivered by Mr Watson, our P.E/sport teacher. Each child has access to 2 hours quality physical education each week. This is supplemented by additional dance classes.

The National Curriculum aims are for all children, they include the following:

  • To be physically active, working towards a target of 30 minutes activity before, during and after the school day (excluding general play times).
  • To excel in a broad range of activities.
  • To engage in competition.
  • To lead healthy lifestyles.

We aim to meet the curriculum expectations with the help of Sport Premium Funding by providing:

  • A more inclusive curriculum.
  • A growth in traditional and alternative sports.
  • Improvements in our partnership work within other schools.
  • Creating links with other subjects that contribute to pupils overall achievement and their greater social, spiritual, moral and cultural skills.

We also offer:

  • All pupils  in Years 4  and 5 participate in swimming lessons at the local pool for 40 minutes each week throughout the year (minimum of 24 weeks) .
  • Additional swimming lessons are purchased using the Sports Premium Funding for the Summer Term; this is to ensure that all children reach the minimum requirement of being able to swim to 25 metres.
  • Children in Year 5 complete the Bikeability sessions to ensure their safety on the roads. 
  • A wide range of after school sport clubs, that are inclusive to all.  Our after school sport clubs change ever half term to give children a opportunity to try something new. 
  • Give opportunities to all children to take part in intra/inter school competitions throughout their time at our school.
  • All children participate in National Sport Week. During this event, pupils will take part in numerous activities such as archery, karate ect…
  • Some children are chosen to be sports ambassadors/leaders, they will to help deliver after school clubs, be the student voice for sport in our school and also run lunch time activities.
Meeting the National Curriculum requirements for swimming and water safety. (2023 data) Percentages shown out of a cohort of 30
What percentage of year 6 pupils could swim competently and confidently over a distance of at least 25 meters when they left our primary school at the end of the academic year?  87% – 26 children
What percentage of your year 6 pupils could use  a range of strokes effectively (backstroke, front crawl, breaststroke) when they left our primary school at the end of the academic year? 73% – 22 children
What percentage of your year 6 pupils could perform safe self rescue in different water based situations when they left our primary school at the end of the academic year?  93% – 28 children



In order to inspire and prepare our pupils for the world of work, we want them to understand how learning PE and Sport can be useful to them in everyday life, and in their future careers.

As lovers of Sport our pupils could be:

  • A Coach
  • A Fitness Trainer
  • A Physiotherapist
  • A Theatre Performer
  • A Rock Climbing Instructor

More ideas can be found at  First Careers

Since July 2017, our school has been awarded Platinum twice by the School Games March Scheme for our commitment to sport. This is the highest award you can achieve. We will reapply for our school games mark in July 2022, with the aim of achieving platinum again. 

For information on our P.E and sport premium funding please follow link, https://ourladys.tameside.sch.uk/about-us/school-premiums/.

 Curriculum Overview Long Term Plan.docxDownload
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