Our Lady of Mount Carmel RC Primary School

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  1. News
  2. Year 6
  3. Knotthill Reservoir Trip

Knotthill Reservoir Trip

7 March 2023 (by powelld)

Our school’s enquiry question for our Biodiversity Eco topic is 'How can we make our school grounds more biodiverse?'

To answer this question, KS2 went on a trip to the local Knotthill reservoir to  explore its diversity to develop their knowledge of how to create an environment that encourages biodiversity. They went on a hunt  to find living things, identify its class and describe the habitat. They then had to identify what we could do in school to increase its biodiversity now that they understood what different animals like for their habitat.

The eco members of the class then fed this information make to the rest of the eco club on one of our Friday lunchtime sessions and this was used to decide what we should do to make our grounds more biodiverse.